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  4. Jai


    You haven’t?
  5. Michael Goodman


    I haven't gotten my Jaio yet? Hmmm?
  6. Jai


    yea you should have gotten it by now
  7. lchr


    Where will the link for Patreons be posted to purchase the JaiO? This will be my first purchase of a Jai Haze product and I’m not familiar with the process yet. Thanks!
  8. Chas Mears


    I can’t wait to order a red one 😏
  9. Jai


    About fckn time
  10. Picked up another Squaze in SS in anticipation that this could come to fruition.
  11. Thanks jai I talked to brandon. I'll probably be picking up my second squaze next week. Is there a possibility of this stabwood happening? Just asking cuz haven't decided if I want to do full Juma again or if a Stabwood coming then probably get stainless steel or anodized black. Decisions decisions.
  12. yeah I think he has a couple left
  13. Heck yea I do! I've been thinking bout getting another one anyway.
  14. That would be pretty rad
  15. Would you like to see a stabilized wood version?
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